Join the International Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes which takes place every year and brings together military personnel from over 40 different countries at the sanctuary. It is one of the most important pilgrimages taking place in Lourdes.
Enjoy a tour of the Grotto Domain in Lourdes, visiting the Grotto, Baths, Basilicas and the Stations of the Cross; as well as a guided walking tour of Lourdes visiting places associated with the life of Saint Bernadette. You will also take part in Lourdes’ striking religious processions, including the Blessing of the Sick, Blessed Sacrament and the Torchlight Marian Procession.
As with all our pilgrimage group tours, you will be supported throughout the trip by the knowledgeable Joe Walsh Tours guides and local representatives led by Caroline and Fionnuala to make sure you have a memorable pilgrimage experience.